Secure Messaging on the Internet

A book published by Artech House Publishers in the Information Security and Privacy Series

[Book Cover]


Rolf Oppliger, Ph.D.
eSECURITY Technologies Rolf Oppliger
Breichtenstrasse 18
CH-3074 Muri b. Bern, Switzerland

Phone/Fax: +41 079 654 84 37

Aims and Scope

Secure Messaging on the Internet offers a comprehensive understanding of secure Internet messaging, and brings together all the relevant and critical information needed to use OpenPGP and S/MIME-compliant software. It explores the conceptual and technical approaches followed by the developers of both OpenPGP and S/MIME, and gives a thorough treatment of the latest and most-effective technologies for secure messaging. Ideal for security and network managers, as well as professional system and network administrators, this easy-to-understand book is a complete guide to OpenPGP, S/MIME, Web-based and gateway solutions, certified mail, delivery platforms, and instant messaging. It can be used for self-study or to teach classes.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Internet Messaging
  3. Cryptographic Techniques
  4. Certificate Management
  5. Secure Messaging
  6. OpenPGP
  7. S/MIME
  8. Web-Based Messaging
  9. Gateway Solutions
  10. Certified Mail
  11. Instant Messaging
  12. Research Challenges and Open Questions
  13. Conclusions and Outlook
  1. Character Sets
  2. Transfer Encoding Schemes
  3. ASN.1 and Encoding Rules
  4. Public Key Cryptography Standards


Errata List


© 2018 Rolf Oppliger